5 Awesome Self-Care Habits

Self-Care is a hot topic now.  Self-Care is defined as any action that we deliberately do to take care of our health emotionally, physically or mentally.  Spa dates, exercise classes or crystals might immediately come to mind.  Those are great and important if they help with mindfulness and relaxation, but if you’re wondering how to economically jump start your commitment to better self care, here are five habits you can start that won't cost you a dime.

  1. Saying No. I know.  You’re a selfless kind hearted person.  You’d help anyone that you care about.  I feel the same way, but here’s a fine line between being kind hearted and a doormat.  Especially if you happen to be dealing with selfish people.  It’s admirable to be kind, but it’s actually self-destructive to consistently put your needs last.  Creating boundaries is so important, but sometimes difficult.   Try to remember that doing things that exhaust you mentally or physically can really take a toll on your mood and mental health.   The only people that will have a problem with you creating boundaries for yourself are the ones that benefited from you not having any.  Those that love you will understand.  Put yourself first and you’ll be recharged to give to others.

  2. Having Self-Compassion. Words mean things! Removing negative talk from my environment was one of my intentions for the new year.  The way that we speak to ourselves in particular is so very important.  How many times do you find yourself calling yourself fat or stupid?  Or beating yourself up for making a mistake.  I really try to stop myself in my tracks if I’m thinking like that. If I wouldn't say it to someone I love, then I shouldn’t say it to myself.  It also sets your mood for the day.  Wake up and tell yourself you’re amazing and beautiful and you’re going to have the best day possible.  Yesterday’s mistakes were learning opportunities.  See how your outlook shifts.

  3. Acknowledge, Honor and Process Your Feelings. Compartmentalizing your feelings instead of dealing with them, is like waiting for a time bomb to go off.  Sometimes we have this tough exterior or survival mode and we don’t give ourselves permission to be sad or process our emotions.  Diving into work, another relationship, or some other activity instead of acknowledging feelings is counterproductive.  (I’m preaching to myself here.) The next time something makes you upset, try this:

    • Notice your feelings.

    • Name them- “I feel sad, lonely, etc.”  You’re not over sensitive for doing this.

    • Feel it.  Ride that emotion, cry it out, even if it’s uncomfortable, and take note of how your body feels.

    • Practice some coping strategies: deep breathing, meditating, listening to music, aromatherapy, journaling about it.  Yoga class, music and scents help me.

  4. Do Less. Hard work is not your purpose.  Being busy is not necessarily productive.   Focus on what matters the most to you.  Try to make life about quality over quantity.  

  5. Stop giving attention to negative energy. This goes for haters, toxic people, gossipers, your exes, Negative Nelly’s, and possibly toxic family members.  Start with step one on this list and stop hanging with them. Taking control of your social media is imperative!  Block, mute or unfollow accounts that don’t have a positive message.  No hate following.  Better yet, log off and take breaks from social media, because too much comparison is destructive as well.  Shift that energy to working on self improvement and watch how your life starts to change.

Self-care starts from within.  Focus on your inner peace and shower yourself with love.


Managing Mental Health